Help Me Serve Ecuadorian Pastors
I will have the opportunity this summer to travel with other ministry leaders to Ecuador to help train pastors in Quito and Cuenca. We will be helping with all the tech for a Pastors Conference. As well as recording and streaming each session for helping those pastors that could not attend the conference. We will then be doing a bunch of filming for some ministry promotional material for different ministries. Then we will conclude our time with training some Ecuadorian pastors with the video equipment that we will be leaving with them to do more recordings and training. We will need about $1500 for the airline tickets to get there and in country as well as round $6000 for video equipment that we will use and give away.
- 2 High Definition Cameras
- 2 Tripods
- Editing / Mixing Laptop
- Cables/Media Cards
- Wireless Microphones
- Recording Training Sessions
- Live Stream Training Sessions
- Promotional Video for Leadership Training
- Train Pastors For Video/Seminar Recordings
- Give Video Equipment To A Team To Us For Future Recordings/Training
Funds Received
List of Donors
- First Baptist Church – Rochester MI
- Chris Hindal
- Alberta Andrus
- Emmanuel Baptist Toledo
- Green Circle Growers
- Breesport Baptist Church VBS